
Baroclinic adjustment and equilibration

今日のネタその 2. Zurita-Gotor, P., Lindzen, R. S., 2006: Theories of baroclinic adjustment and eddy equilibration. In Recent Results in General Circulation Theory. T. Schneider and A. Sobel, Editors. Princeton (in press) convective adjust…

non-liner saturation of vertically propagating Rossby waves

今日のネタその 1. Giannitsis, C. and R.S. Lindzen (2001) Non-linear saturation of vertically propagating Rossby waves. accepted J. Atmos. Sci.pdf 結論 The growth of vertically propagating planetary scale Rossby waves does give rise to wave…

FDEPS のセミナー中(その3) しんどい.

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